Saturday, March 28, 2009

Monday, June 21st - 2031I found a bunch of LCD monitors in the closets around here and some computer cases. I was really bored, so I kind of assembled a bunch of computers with all the old computer parts we had laying around. We had a surprising number of great graphics cards, like the GeForce 9600 from nVIDIA. I had one of those in my old computer back in the day, but it's probably burning beneath some hardass combine's foot in the battle between humanity and cyborg totalitarianism. Actually, no, the Combine are probably winning the war with flying colors. They don't tell me nothin' 'round ere'.
I have a table with a bunch of those LCD monitors lined up on them, and they are all attached to a computer. I feel like a nerd. I also found a channel mixer, so I can hook one mouse and one keyboard into that and change which computer I want it operating with. I think it really saves on using the other keyboards and mouses, because twenty five year old hardware is hard to come across. It's a fucking miracle that the Combine Guard didn't go Apple. I couldn't fucking stand Mac computers as a kid. But it's weird, because I have such a hatred of them, yet there are all these people who are gung-ho Apple minions. It would be close minded to call them idiots, because they don't love it for no reason. I feel like I'm missing something.

I was surprised to find the Internet still alive and well, and it turns out not even a a suppressive government run by an alien-controlled psychotic scientist can defeat a nerd's thirst for the internet somewhere in the world. Someone musta got it back up and running, but they really should just go ahead and hack and demolish the Combine Local Area Network. The CLAN. I guess CMBN would be a pretty cool clantag, but I don't even do multiplayer gaming anymore. It was fun from ages 12 to 15, then I grew the fuck up. I think anyone who really wants to be a massive online multiplayer gamer can go ahead, but it's just going to be a festival of them screaming at the screen, unless they have ballin' ass patience. So I dug through my possessions in my closet here and found a bunch of games. Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fable, and some shitty game called Half Life. There also seems to be a huge population of gamers who own forums, so I've been able to join and talk about them. I'm glad I still have feelings as a Combine soldier, otherwise I...might not be so bored this often. Oh well, I can only hope I get some awesome disease and I die slowly inside my suit. Or I could do something insane like try to pull my spine out. I could do it while listening to Daft Punk, too. Shit, I need to blast that shit over the PA system here. All dese niggas gon be dancin till da brake a' dawn. Nah, fuck that. These people all forgot how to dance. The only dance I can do anymore is The Robot.

I played The Pitt, which was recently released as DLC for Fallout 3. It was fucking epic the first time through, so I beat it a second time. The second time was a little less fun, but I can at least say I beat it twice in one day. I was really bored yesterday, which is when I downloaded it. Speaking of fun games, I downloaded an N64 emulator and Zelda: Ocarina of Time along with Majoras Mask. Good lord, a rush of nostalgia to the head. I had forgotten what made Zelda so incredible: the mechanics. I mean, the entire world is setup so you look at something and say, "Fuck, I wanna see what that shit is all about." Not only that, but there are no disappointments. You kill a boss, you get something worth your time. And all of it is so whimsical you can't help but love it!

So yeah, about The Pitt (I'm a ramblefuck sometimes). It's basically Rorshach's depiction of New York City: The place is covered in radiation and shit, and everyone who isn't a slave is a good for nothing fucking thief raider son of a bitch. Every normal person is a slave covered in shit, shoveling metal into a giant, loud machine that is incredibly hot and turns steel ingots into shit which is used to rain down upon the slaves and make their lives ever shittier. Some people even get diseased from the shit. They all also carry around things called Auto-Axes, which are exactly what they sound like. Four ax blades welded in a swastika formation (it's the best descriptive word for it, honestly) and it spins around and hacks people into millions of pieces. Hell, after you chop up some poor frogperson, it takes the game two minutes just to go through how many different body parts you crippled.

Yes, Frogperson. Trogs. They're people who get so assfucked by the Shit Disease that they turn into frog people who are naked and run around killing each other, because they're so fucking pissed thy're all covered in each other's Steel Ingot processed shit manifestation metaphor. Or maybe they're just turned into animals. Either way is a valid argument. They're scary as hell, and they make the Auto-Ax seem really inspired by the Lawn Mower Scene from Braindead. Party's over. I just recall in that movie a bunch of zombies in a hallway being hacked apart from a spinning blade held by a guy with a weirdy high pitched British or Australian voice who gets covered in blood by the end of it, and it's a damn magical mystery why he isn't diseased from being covered in rotten blood. That's exactly how it is in The Pitt concerning Trogs and Auto-Axes.The second runthrough of The Pitt was with my other character named Jamal Washington, a nigga with a knack for repairing things. There's something about an intelligent African American man who chooses to wear eyeglasses and nice clothing and is handy with repairing things, while still being a hardass, cold blooded survivor in a wasteland full of psycho raiders who wield only tire irons yet they still run at shotgun-wielding sociopaths. I usually put him in pre-war casualwear or a Merc Adventurer Outfit. I've also learned that Merc clothing mostly looks better on female characters and NPC's, but that's beside the point. My guy is usually a pretty good shot, as he wields a gun at 70 points towards Small Guns, but he's still a stumblefuck when it comes to VATS. Ehs a pretty cool guy.

I might right later on sometime, but right now I gotta go execute some dumbass rebel or die by Gordon Freeman's hand. 

Signing off, this is 011867.